“Satranc-ı Urefa,” a game created by Muhyiddin-i Arabi 1500 years ago, aims to measure the paths added by Sufi disciples and reach the ultimate level. In Sufism, the meaning of the word chess is expressed as “sharia + tariqat + haqiqat + ma’rifah.” The objective in Satranc-ı Urefa is to “attain the beloved,” with the beloved here referring to the divine. The highest level in Satranc-ı Urefa is called “Visal.”
The game is played on a board with arrows and snake symbols. To advance in this chess game, you need to use the “arrow” symbols. The “snake” symbols lead to a person’s downfall. Snakes represent a person’s negative qualities, while arrows represent their positive qualities.
The board also contains words, which are represented by arrows, leading from “Cefa” to “Safa,” “Fırsat” to “Kuy-i cânân” (the beloved’s place), “Aşk” to “Sahra’yı cünûn” (the meadow of lovers), “Azâr” (complaint, coyness) to “Nazar” (gaze), “Tisyâr” (a material and spiritual journey) to “Terehhüm” (compassion), “Ahlak-ı Hamide” (virtuous ethics) to “Cemâl⬤